This action may take several minutes for large corpora, please wait.
doc#12 the 4-year college requirement would be in general subjects. </p><p> "A person with
doc#12 . </p><p> "A person with a master's degree in physics, chemistry, math or English, yet
doc#12 Education courses, is not permitted to teach in the public schools", said Grover. </p><p>
doc#12 schools", said Grover. </p><p> College teachers in Texas are not required to have the Education
doc#13 Clark has served as teacher and principal in Oklahoma high schools, as teacher and athletic
doc#13 has served as a border patrolman and was in the Signal Corps of the U.S. Army. DENTON
doc#14 TEXAS (SP.) -- Principals of the 13 schools in the Denton Independent School District
doc#15 legislation against racial discrimination in employment was called for yesterday in
doc#15 discrimination in employment was called for yesterday in a report of a "blue ribbon" citizens committee
doc#15 culminating a year long study of the ADC program in Cook county by a New York City welfare
doc#15 The report called racial discrimination in employment "one of the most serious causes
doc#15 cost of ADC to more than 100,000 recipients in the county is 4.4 million dollars, said
doc#15 Relatively limited skills and discrimination in employment because of color. These, he
doc#15 Extension of the ADC program to all children in need living with any relatives, including
doc#16 and illegitimacy. </p><p> Several defendants in the Summerdale police burglary trial made
doc#16 arrest, Judge James B. Parsons was told in Criminal court yesterday. The disclosure
doc#16 that there will be a free-for-all fight in this case. There is a conflict among the
doc#17 address with the help of White House aids in Washington with whom he talked by telephone
doc#17 the Chief Executive returned to Washington in midmorning from Hyannis Port, Mass., a
doc#18 proposals for the city. The last 10 cases in the investigation of the Nov. 8 election