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doc#107 the serpent creeping with his deadly wiles into Paradise". TOBACCO ROAD IS DEAD. LONG LIVE
doc#108 Gothicism, exaggerating the old Southern legends into something beautiful and grotesque, but
doc#108 not more, difficulty in fitting himself into an urban economy as he did in an agrarian
doc#108 astounded many of yesterday's Southerners into speechlessness. </p><p> Other examples of
doc#108 existence. A new order is thrusting itself into being. A new South is emerging after the
doc#108 modern Negro has not made a decisive debut into Southern fiction. It is clear that, while
doc#108 Yoknapatawpha County, the gradual changes which seep into the South, building layer upon layer of
doc#108 grapple in groping through a blind adolescence into the maturity of urbanization. With new
doc#109 Summerspace, so that dancers and background merge into a shimmering unity. For Mr. Taylor's Images
doc#109 is determined emotionally: "I must reach into myself for the spring that will send me
doc#109 that will send me catapulting recklessly into the chaos of event with which the dance
doc#109 sideways swing of the arm that develops into a turn and the sensation of taking off
doc#109 turns close to the ground towards jumps into the air gives the work its central focus
doc#109 performance may be different. If a work is divided into several large segments, a last-minute drawing
doc#109 matters so that two performers do not bump into each other. He must construct transitions
doc#110 transform an alliance of sovereign nations into a federal union of sovereign citizens --
doc#110 demands that the right to secede be put into the Constitution". </p><p> The Constitution
doc#111 freedom's other foe. As cells coalesced into organisms, they built new "unnatural" and
doc#112 at my hotel at noon on Sunday, and I came into the lobby as the clock struck twelve. He
doc#112 drama near Paris. When Beckett's name came into the discussion, the priest grew loud and