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doc#129 <bgr>, it follows that the image of the line <formul> is <formul>. </p><p> These societies
doc#133 Morgan nodded. "About five miles north of the line ". </p><p> Jones sighed as if relieved. "We
doc#134 last the darkness began to dissolve. A bold line of violet broke loose from the high ridge
doc#134 strung out on the prairie in a flat black line . The wind of their running was cold and
doc#135 from Dean's hand and slashed the picket line . "Up you go"! he said. "Ride"! Dean resisted
doc#135 on his way at a gallop. Mike ran down the line , slashing picket ropes with the bayonet
doc#135 grub an' ammunition"! </p><p> "Get a bucket line going"! Calhoun shouted. "Hurry! Hurry"
doc#136 in the valley, then spread out in a long line to come at us, brandishing their lances
doc#138 was only a few blocks away but an unbroken line of piers prevented me from seeing it. Sometimes
doc#141 long time, just waiting to catch him out of line . McBride gave him his opportunity when
doc#141 authority over them -- make them toe the line , as he had to -- if he knuckled under to
doc#145 Dan, wasted no time when they came to the line , "The farmer choose his wife". With a swift