This action may take several minutes for large corpora, please wait.
doc#133 </p><p> "I don't have many strays coming to my front door", he said. "Think you can walk
doc#133 nodded at the door in front of him. "That's my spare bedroom. The bed isn't made, but
doc#134 They killed Big Charlie, dumped his body in my rose garden two nights ago. My men, they
doc#134 his chest and hugged him fiercely. "All my life", he said, "I tried. I tried. I saw
doc#134 there's nothin left of me. Laurel is gone, my men are gone, Ed is dead -- and you come
doc#134 the saddle, like a child. "I hate to leave my garden", Gavin said. "They'll trample it
doc#134 said. "They'll trample it down. I loved my garden". </p><p> "It will grow again -- in
doc#134 There are plenty of fresh horses halfway at my place. If we let them go, they won't stay
doc#135 breathed. </p><p> "I never felt better in my life", Fiske blustered. </p><p> He turned
doc#135 and kissed her on the cheek. "Thank you, my dear", he said. "You are very brave". </p>
doc#136 moment I had to talk to them before I took my post on the ring of defenses, I indicated
doc#136 didn't catch a wink. Every time I closed my eyes, I saw Gray Eyes rushing at me with
doc#136 fire", Montero was shouting. "Wait until my shot. I'll shoot the first man who does
doc#136 who doesn't". </p><p> I could see them in my sights. They were about a mile off; under
doc#136 strain of his screams. I found his chest in my sights. It had a red circle. The circle
doc#136 the trigger. At the last second I dropped my sights from the bare chest and bright red
doc#136 started to slump. </p><p> I forgot to aim. In my sights I watched him looming bigger and
doc#136 attempt to hurdle the bales. </p><p> Although my shot killed his horse, he rolled off the
doc#136 dark, fluid, fearful, and he gave a sigh as my knife went in. Coming over the wall he
doc#137 she said sternly. "It wouldn't matter to my father, and not to me. I meant what I said