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doc#133 Why didn't you go there"? </p><p> "We did n't want town work", Jones said. </p><p> "This
doc#133 The girl's thin face haunted him. It was n't the face of a killer. He wasn't so sure
doc#133 . It wasn't the face of a killer. He was n't so sure about the boy. He hadn't shaved
doc#133 He wasn't so sure about the boy. He had n't shaved for several weeks, his sparse beard
doc#133 to let them stay he thought, but he could n't send them on, either. </p><p> "I could use
doc#133 some help", Morgan said finally, "but I ca n't afford to pay you anything. I guess you
doc#133 all the strays who come by"? </p><p> "I do n't have many strays coming to my front door
doc#133 expression in her eyes, he knew he could n't send them on. She said, "I guess the Lord
doc#133 right", Jones said quickly. "I mean, we do n't have any way to get there and we can't
doc#133 don't have any way to get there and we ca n't expect you to quit work just to take us
doc#133 him. "That's my spare bedroom. The bed is n't made, but you'll find plenty of blankets
doc#133 'll sleep out here on the couch. We have n't slept together since we started. I just
doc#133 slept together since we started. I just ca n't take any chances on getting her pregnant
doc#133 Morgan said, "I understand that, but I do n't savvy why you'd go off and leave your jobs
doc#134 bed. </p><p> Gavin paused wearily. "You ca n't stay here with me. It's late and you said
doc#134 said they'd be here by dawn". </p><p> "You ca n't make me go". </p><p> Gavin sank down again
doc#134 they all left me. Just cleared out. I did n't understand why, Clay. They just all cleared
doc#134 you're goin"? </p><p> "Yes". </p><p> "You do n't hate me any more"? </p><p> Clayton choked
doc#134 me, to help me. Oh! God in Heaven, I ca n't refuse you now. That would mock me too
doc#134 you now. That would mock me too much! Ca n't let you go way from me again ..." He closed