This action may take several minutes for large corpora, please wait.
doc#139 million dollars' of gold a month
doc#112 reflection) " of the impasse and
doc#111 "control" of disease contains close
doc#21 "cornerstone" of its foreign policy
doc#126 "floor" of dried grass or
doc#18 or innocence" of the 50 persons
doc#77 -manager" of Washington in 1924
doc#18 a matter " of even greater significance
doc#18 serious misuse" of the Criminal court
doc#95 complete picture " of our current anti
doc#116 "practices" of my company will
doc#0 the recommendations" of two previous grand
doc#22 the removal" of Prince Souvanna.
doc#101 "subject" of "international law
doc#128 "tuning" of the hypothalamus induced
doc#22 (D) of Arkansas, chairman
doc#22 (R) of Kentucky, chairman
doc#121 (whiteness) of the cloth swatches
doc#108 crass evidence [ of urbanization] presented
doc#118 approximately 15% of the total arc