This action may take several minutes for large corpora, please wait.
doc#116 When the proprietor dies, the establishment should become a corporation until it is either
doc#116 the government decides to drop it. Strikes should be declared illegal against corporations
doc#116 relationship. Certainly external forces should not be applied arbitrarily out of mere
doc#117 than those using shorter wave lengths and should in some cases give otherwise unobtainable
doc#117 techniques which are now becoming available should make it possible to observe the radio emission
doc#117 rocklike material varies with wave length, it should be possible to sample the temperature variation
doc#117 regions of the disk cannot be resolved. It should be possible, however, to put useful limits
doc#117 order that the intensity of its radiation should equal that of the observed radiation. The
doc#117 which is reflected from the moon and planets should be negligible compared with their thermal
doc#118 porous graphite. Sintered porous metals should be usable in principle. However, technical
doc#118 to be reduced as far as possible and they should be such that an accurate heat balance can
doc#118 to it by the surrounding metal surfaces should also be small because of the specular characteristic
doc#119 of lower rates of shear, so the statement should be modified by stating that the mechanics
doc#119 From this and the force of deformation it should be possible to calculate the elastic energy
doc#119 the elastic energy of deformation which should be equal to the <formul> calculated from
doc#119 face. </p><p> There is another means which should show the direction and relative value of
doc#122 basic kinetic data. It would appear that it should be possible to determine unique mechanisms
doc#122 particularly suited for such studies. It should be possible to prepare very pure chlorine
doc#122 multiple distillation of the liquid. It should be possible to free carbon tetrachloride
doc#123 third the above-mentioned average velocity should be used in deriving the mass. Zodiacal