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doc#141 wiry than truly strong. And his relatively small hands and feet gave him an almost delicate
doc#141 he had to -- if he knuckled under to this small -town clown? </p><p> "I'll get around to it
doc#142 talk, a listless discussion of this or that small happening during the day's drive. But they
doc#142 B men followed them inside, crowding the small room. His face was stiff with anger when
doc#143 with weeds growing high in their yards. The small half-heartedly tended fields of men who
doc#143 and found.) Rumor had it he slipped two small rocks under each victim's head as a sort
doc#144 Charlie. I'm sure you won't mind doing me a small favor". </p><p> Brenner's voice was oily,
doc#146 Kneeling, Cobb planted a sturdy knee in the small of his back, holding him pinned. </p><p>
doc#147 powerful. The pilots' heads looked ridiculously small . The control tower gave him immediate take
doc#147 to be dangerous. Eight aircraft in this small box. Please, dear God, make my pilots good