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doc#112 . They find deep pessimism in them. Even so astute a commentator as Harold Clurman
doc#112 straight up from his forehead, standing so high that the top falls gently over, as
doc#112 allowed in". </p><p> I granted this might be so , but found the result to be even more attention
doc#112 about distress. As if it were perverse to do so ! He wanted to know if my father had beaten
doc#113 multivalent ambiguities of sexual reference so that they dwell in a sexualized universe
doc#113 why, the argument runs, the squares are so fearful of jazz and yet perversely fascinated
doc#113 beatnik got the woman he was living with so involved in drugs and self-analysis and
doc#113 the free union of the sexes in West Venice so long as the partners share the negative
doc#114 drinking in prohibition days, drinking was so gay, so fashionable, especially in the
doc#114 in prohibition days, drinking was so gay, so fashionable, especially in the sophisticated
doc#114 owners: they were fed, clothed, doctored, and so forth; they were the beneficiaries of responsible
doc#114 of the United States. Why should this be so ? It is true that New England, more than
doc#115 for which he at once developed a passion, so that he spent nearly all of the following
doc#115 published in 1888. It was a brilliant debut, so much so indeed that it aroused a new vitality
doc#115 1888. It was a brilliant debut, so much so indeed that it aroused a new vitality in
doc#115 the longer pieces of the volume none is so memorable as "Nameless and Immortal", which
doc#115 her husband has achieved immortality. Not so , he answers, it is not the architect but
doc#115 brilliantly lighted cathedral, the shrine of so many precious memories. The guns are fired
doc#115 X, the conqueror of Denmark, hardly less so . Of Gustavus Adolphus and Charles XII it
doc#116 removal. One way to determine whether we have so dangerous a technology would be to check