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doc#101 governmental (i.e., societal) responsibility for the economic well-being of the American people
doc#101 responsibility is a societal response to the impact of the Industrial Revolution. Reduced
doc#102 bomber cockpits, submarine compartments and the antiseptic, windowless rooms that would
doc#102 a nonprofit pool of thinkers financed by the U. S. Air Force. His investigations made
doc#103 sniffing. They all swung at the same instant in the same direction. They saw it before I did
doc#103 beyond pathos. Watching, they waited until the squall thickened and began to move in a
doc#103 rise; only -- there was not. They lay, with the birds hopping from branch to branch above
doc#103 was nothing more than two tire marks on the earth. The rancher went a mile down this
doc#103 objects seemed to have been carved from the same material and to be ageless. </p><p>
doc#103 subtly familiar, for it was the odor of the human body, but multiplied innumerable
doc#103 light dusty cast to it. In spots such as the elbows and knees the second skin is worn
doc#104 discriminating awareness. </p><p> I should like, by the way, to make it clear that I am not using
doc#104 it was a fairly typical landlord who in the dead of night lugged me up a mountainside
doc#104 hacking jacket; dervishes who stand with the stillness of the blind, their eyes filmed
doc#104 hawkers, and clowns. Families go out to the edge of the terraces to sit on carpets
doc#104 in the vaults, the toughs and blades of the city hoot and bang their drums, drink arak
doc#104 scarcity of Western amusements and to ridicule the old life of the bazaar merchant, the mullah
doc#104 "They brought me news that Spring is in the plains And Ahmad's blood the crimson tulip
doc#105 shall conduct Mahler and Bruckner works in the coming season, as usual. We'll play Bruckner
doc#105 times a contemporary music and it expresses the era in which it was created. But I usually