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doc#110 difference between the concepts of sovereignty in these two preambles, the worst war of the Nineteenth
doc#110 1862, he put his purpose and his policy in these words -- which I would call the Lincoln
doc#111 councils are but a few examples. Most of these , with horrible exceptions, were conceived
doc#111 earth and sky with no discernable cause, and these they attribute to the will of God". Perhaps
doc#111 and, since our behavior has involved all these elements, we can only keep adding to our
doc#111 centuries played? In the physical sciences, these achievements concern electricity, chemistry
doc#111 physiological chemistry. The major effect of these advances appears to lie in the part they
doc#113 square in heat". This is the Holy Grail these knights of the orgasm pursue, this is the
doc#113 is extremely difficult to understand how these internal contradictions are reconciled,
doc#113 though their actual existence fails to reach these "religious" heights. One beatnik got the
doc#113 What obsessions had she picked up during these long nights of talk? Sex as the creative
doc#114 South -- who is not affected personally. If these people were denied a voice (do they have
doc#114 university status only in the very recent past, these institutions having previously been A&M
doc#114 gained eminence, under pressure provided by these same immigrants, from whom the old families
doc#115 practically unknown to readers of English. Of these there are surely few that would be more
doc#115 interest for an average reader, eight or ten of these are among the finest of their kind in literature
doc#116 destinies: otherwise why try anything? So in these pages the term "technology" is used to
doc#116 today throughout the world, we must employ these resources without war or violent revolution
doc#117 planets as a new source of information about these bodies and their atmospheres. The results
doc#117 experimental data on the physical conditions of these planets. The observed intensity of the