This action may take several minutes for large corpora, please wait.
doc#102 tried to start transmitting one. "I'd wind up full of .38 bullet holes", he said, and
doc#103 hung down and only occasionally swinging up to see the target, a loose motion that
doc#103 and generous gesture, the discoverer stood up and beckoned to the closest of his fellows
doc#103 out of the ground, the boys picked them up , one at a time, and pinched them dead.
doc#103 dancing and sweating, you'll see them rubbing up against a man who's supposed to have a
doc#104 hundreds of pavilions throughout the city and up the river valley, which are smaller, more
doc#104 landlord who in the dead of night lugged me up a mountainside to drink from a spring famous
doc#104 acquaintance, a slick-headed water rat of a lad up from the maw of the city, stood on the
doc#104 people leave their shops and houses and walk up through the lanes of the city to the bridge
doc#104 great spectacle. The bridge itself rises up from the river, light-flared and enormous
doc#107 </p><p> Hamilton, poorest of the seven, gave up a brilliant law practice to enter Washington
doc#108 affected the Negro have been his moving up , row by row, in the busses; his requesting
doc#108 </p><p> Just as the Negro situation points up the gradual and abrupt changes affecting
doc#108 affecting Southern life, it also points up the non-representation of urbanism in Southern
doc#111 different. He does not know whether to look up or look aside, to put his hands in his
doc#112 unsharpened chisel. Unruly hair goes straight up from his forehead, standing so high that
doc#113 independent poverty, usually with a "shack- up " partner who will help support them. They
doc#113 sessions of sex that she was beginning to crack up . What obsessions had she picked up during
doc#113 crack up. What obsessions had she picked up during these long nights of talk? Sex as
doc#114 unpopular (how many of us oldsters took up drinking in prohibition days, drinking