This action may take several minutes for large corpora, please wait.
doc#101 the world arena. (That corpus of law was a reflection of the power system in existence
doc#101 becomes a perilous anachronism when adopted on a world-wide basis. </p><p> Complementing the
doc#102 was, and is, with the RAND Corporation, a nonprofit pool of thinkers financed by
doc#102 bombers could drop their H-bombs. </p><p> In a word, plenty. The key man almost certainly
doc#102 farmer's son from Beallsville, Ohio, is a quiet but impressive man. His eyes are
doc#102 "the red box". In point of fact, this is a beige box with a bright red door, about
doc#102 point of fact, this is a beige box with a bright red door, about one and a half feet
doc#103 roll softly. </p><p> The malignancy of such a landscape has been beautifully described
doc#103 of starving. He had long black hair and a wispy beard. The ridges over his eyes were
doc#103 also a long wooden spear and a woomera, a spear-throwing device which gives the spear
doc#104 words from deep in his chest. </p><p> It was a fortunate time in which to build, for the
doc#104 of men in an octagonal pit move through a rite of calisthenics, dance, chanted poetry
doc#104 lugged me up a mountainside to drink from a spring famous in the neighborhood for its
doc#104 important to them: poetry, water, the moon, a beautiful face. To a stranger their delight
doc#105 William Steinberg, has molded his group into a prominent musical organization, which is
doc#106 young men` of England"? was the topic for a round-table discussion at the Bayerische
doc#106 broadcasts, I added to my opening statement a sentence in which I claimed that German
doc#106 youth seemed to lack the enthusiasm which is a necessary ingredient of anger, and might
doc#106 attack. "You must have some security", said a young clerk. </p><p> When I mentioned that
doc#106 husband, wife, and two children. No one wanted a larger family or no children, and none