This action may take several minutes for large corpora, please wait.
doc#147 's for carabao not airplanes". </p><p> "We 'll make out. Don't you worry, chief", Greg
doc#147 luck, and his prayer that pilot and plane would always return. At the prearranged time,
doc#147 plane was out of sight, he knew Donovan would keep his back to the strip. He wondered
doc#147 before the scheduled time for return, Donovan would be watching for every speck in the sky.
doc#147 did drop, whether he and the other flights would be able to find their way back in this
doc#147 there was no hole to climb through it. They would have to go west through the narrow river
doc#147 go under this stuff. Stay in close and we 'll go up the valley". </p><p> "Roger, Sweeney
doc#147 Todman, you take the one on the left. I 'll take the middle. Belton, the one on the
doc#147 Sweeney Blue. One pass only. No turns. You 'll bust your ass in this canyon. That's an
doc#147 climbing turn attack and a break-away that would not take them into the overcast or force
doc#147 If the turn was too tight, a barrel roll would bring them out. A hell of an altitude for
doc#147 approach from below, the side, and ahead, there would be only a moment when damage could be done
doc#147 dropping rapidly. If he spun out now, he would join his opponent on the ground. </p><p>
doc#147 His air speed dropped until he thought he would spin out. </p><p> Too many people think that
doc#148 professor who made me read the classics I would have been stymied on what to do, and now
doc#148 for my Uncle (an Uncle by marriage so you will not think this has a mild undercurrent
doc#148 my Uncle offered me a part-time job which would take care of my normal expenses and give
doc#148 Mardi Gras. I had seen two of them and we would soon be in another city-wide, joyous celebration
doc#148 body, a body that an artist or anyone else would have admired. As it is in so many affairs
doc#148 switched on the lights she said: </p><p> "He will not always be indisposed". </p><p> "I know