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doc#132 of her mother's death when she was eight, as well as her subsequent anger at her father
doc#122 intermediate reactions of atoms and free radicals, as well as information on the heat of dissociation
doc#101 these governmental efforts are desirable as well as necessary. Ratified in the Republican
doc#120 paramagnetic, and electron paramagnetic dipole as well as nuclear dipole effects lead to
doc#116 capitalism which dictates our whole economy as well as our politics and social life, will
doc#141 her had to say would be plumb important, as well as pleasin' to the ear, and he did
doc#128 the autonomic-somatic downward discharge as well as regarding the hypothalamic-cortical
doc#117 and the probable errors include absolute as well as relative errors. This result is
doc#46 other officials of the city and the PTC as well as representatives of an engineering
doc#121 builder; and the dwindling built-soap powders as well as soap flakes and granules, none
doc#21 need for strengthening conventional forces as well as the maintenance of the nuclear
doc#118 balance for a transpiration cooled anode as well as the effect of blowing on the arc
doc#128 quantitative emotional response. The visceral brain as well as the neocortex is known to contribute
doc#132 nature and management of the client's anxiety as well as the accessibility of the helping
doc#119 characterization of many commercial materials as well as theoretical studies. The elasticity
doc#114 welcome fugitives from the provinces, South as well as West. They may even enroll a colored
doc#105 sound training in counterpoint and harmony, as well in the violin and piano. His professional
doc#114 fugitives from the provinces, South as well as West. They may even enroll a colored student
doc#27 presented to the town council last night as what is hoped will be the first step in
doc#116 carved its mark across the Russian steppes, as when the enterprising promoters of 'Porgy