This action may take several minutes for large corpora, please wait.
doc#146 figure, it was now as somnolent and dull as the day before payday. Carmer himself was
doc#146 staggering forward, a half-filled bottle upraised as if to strike. Russ sprang through to bat
doc#146 , Russ wiped his hands on his pants-legs as if ridding himself of something unclean
doc#146 sensibly pulled up to go in for his dinner, and as a consequence did not see Cobb strike the
doc#146 third, sounding more distant. </p><p> As near as Cobb could determine the shots came from
doc#146 . He tightened up in a twinkling. So far as he knew, only his father could be there
doc#147 to the plane with it. His face was dark as the sky above it as he stood on the wing
doc#147 it. His face was dark as the sky above it as he stood on the wing and waited for his
doc#147 pilot. Greg climbed into the cockpit feeling as if he had never been in one before. But
doc#147 check-out procedure. </p><p> "I've got her as neat as I can", Donovan said, as he dropped
doc#147 out procedure. </p><p> "I've got her as neat as I can", Donovan said, as he dropped the
doc#147 got her as neat as I can", Donovan said, as he dropped the straps of the Seton harness
doc#147 it. </p><p> "Yeah. See you", Donovan said as he jumped off the wing. The expression
doc#147 Greg's mission was the last to leave, and as he circled the ships off Tacloban he saw
doc#147 gray. Water splashed against his windshield as he led the flight in and out of showers
doc#147 The overcast was solid above him. As far as he could see there was no hole to climb
doc#147 was visible ahead of them, the relief was as great as if the sun had come out. He spread
doc#147 visible ahead of them, the relief was as great as if the sun had come out. He spread the
doc#147 beat us to it"! Todman said over the radio as he came back up in formation. </p><p> Visibility
doc#147 claiming a kill. But Greg's area remained as placid as a Florida dawn. </p><p> Finally