This action may take several minutes for large corpora, please wait.
doc#104 these vaults give out onto terraces twice as wide as the bridge itself. From the terraces
doc#124 resulting from diffusion through buildings such as widespread contamination of kitchens, restaurants
doc#101 one example -- that of employment -- for, as will be shown below, it cuts across both
doc#108 quantitatively and qualitatively. Such writers as William Faulkner and Robert Penn Warren
doc#148 a nude model. I dismissed these feelings as wishful thinking but I could not get it
doc#107 others by business and professional acumen, as with Franklin and Adams, or, in Hamilton
doc#114 with the renewal of interference in 1954 ( as with its beginning in 1835), the improvement
doc#111 but where some explanations are possible, as with lightning and weather and earthquakes
doc#107 status was achieved in some cases by birth, as with Washington, Jefferson and Jay; in
doc#8 committee members taunted bankers appearing as witnesses left little doubt that they will
doc#132 the child's needs, not only respected them as worthy of his attention, but immediately
doc#117 than the variation in the 8.6-mm emission, as would be expected from the explanation
doc#119 the above data. This appears to be high, as would be expected from the appreciable
doc#142 <p> "In my place, you'd follow such advice as you give me"? </p><p> Hernandez looked suddenly
doc#114 academy for boys, and you can be as liberal as you please with strict impunity. If there
doc#81 Arnold, a man who knows the rules. "I'll do as you say, but I'll also play a provisional
doc#137 her coat. </p><p> "I'll bet that's as close as you've been to a man since you were a baby
doc#142 . After all, you want the senora as much as you want the boy. You need her even more