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doc#111 close analogies to problems confronting us with respect to people. The fear of disease
doc#112 of the greatest art that it confronts us with something we cannot clarify, demanding
doc#111 suggestion that science has provided us with a rather successful technique for building
doc#132 interviews has been experimentally used with apparent success. Willingness to take the
doc#113 They embrace independent poverty, usually with a "shack-up" partner who will help support
doc#117 radio waves in rocklike material varies with wave length, it should be possible to sample
doc#123 periods of exposure. Many other vehicles with smaller sensitive-area exposure-time products
doc#127 artery is known to be a nutrient vessel with a distribution primarily to the proximal
doc#145 mother, "you've got all evening to visit with Dan. His wounds need dressing now". </p>
doc#145 With Rod on his way and Matilda visiting with Mrs. Jackson while they searched out familiar
doc#126 willow catkins, then, provide their visitors with both nectar and pollen; a marvelous arrangement
doc#120 diluted to three times its original volume with powdered, anhydrous alundum (<formul>).
doc#37 Northern Democratic members who usually vote with the Administration are balking because
doc#10 intelligent choice. </p><p> All Dallas members voted with Roberts, except Rep. Bill Jones, who was
doc#145 returned to her place at the front of the wagon with Alice. </p><p> "Rheumatics worse, Pa"? Dan
doc#133 Reaching the house ahead of them, he waited with his Winchester in his hands. They crawled
doc#134 one side where he backed against the wall with the sleeve of his jacket raised before
doc#107 through the troubled years of our second war with Britain. </p><p> If Franklin was an authentic
doc#147 turn until the plane shuddered. Luck was with him. His burst held for a second on the
doc#121 which cloth articles are repeatedly washed with the same detergent formulation. A good