This action may take several minutes for large corpora, please wait.
doc#116 Thus, if corporations are not to run away with us, they must become quasi-governmental
doc#142 problem. Where I go, she goes -- and the kids with us. You're going to need your woman. And
doc#127 solution under pressure and then were injected with various sized colored particles designed
doc#132 great need for continued experimentation with various types of short-term intervention
doc#71 passes, 34.7 yards per game. Not satisfied with various unofficial checks on the liveliness
doc#118 flowing from the cathode towards the anode with velocities up <formul>. This phenomenon
doc#107 country whose voice I can never hear but with veneration and love". </p><p> All sought
doc#129 transformation of the lines of a bundle with vertex, P, on g which is effected by the
doc#130 and a relatively untouched rural sector, with very poor communications between the two
doc#111 international exhortations and ceremonies with virtually no understanding of social cause
doc#111 the former extreme uneasiness associated with visions and hallucinations and with death
doc#59 centers. </p><p> -- Surrounding pioneer pastors with vocational volunteers (laymen, who will
doc#46 conference following a meeting in the morning with Wagner and other officials of the city
doc#105 Puccini's masterpieces. Steinberg spoke with warmth and enthusiasm about Italy: "Rome
doc#107 almost single-handedly. His collaboration with Washington, begun when he was the general
doc#107 was achieved in some cases by birth, as with Washington, Jefferson and Jay; in others
doc#122 mixture was then extracted with alkali and with water following which the carbon tetrachloride
doc#135 them, in increasing panic, came running with water in their hats in a ludicrous effort
doc#104 canals and terraced promenades, studded with water tanks of turquoise tile in which
doc#117 radio waves in rocklike material varies with wave length, it should be possible to sample