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doc#118 The temperature distribution of figure 4 gives <formul> for all blowing rates, assuming
doc#119 0.002<Prime> on each side of the tape. This gives a rate of shear of <formul>. This, however
doc#119 silicone fluid, labeled 12,500 cps which gave a high positive normal pressure. Although
doc#119 apparatus on hand. </p><p> The two fluids which gave the small negative pressures were polybutenes
doc#119 in the first part of the paper. They also give information which will aid in the design
doc#119 respect to H and equating to zero. This gives <formul>, which is the pressure. This is
doc#119 to Philippoff, the recoverable shear s is given by <formul> where <khgr> is the angle of
doc#119 tension of minimum pressure is, of course, given by the direction of the major axis of the
doc#119 two radii of curvature. This formula is given by Rumscheidt and Mason. If a is the major
doc#119 Measurements on the photograph in this paper give <formul> at the maximum rate of shear of
doc#119 <formul>. If it is assumed that the formula given by Lodge of <formul>, cosec 2<khgr> applies
doc#120 impurities much lower. Chromium analysis gave 58.8% Cr as compared with 61.2% theory.
doc#121 to that described above. Polyphosphates gave renewed life to soap products at a time
doc#121 for this application, since they do not give adequate soil removal. This is best demonstrated
doc#121 available standard soiled fabrics. Also given are several laboratory wash procedures
doc#121 arbitrarily classed in the four major categories given below: 1. Dirt, which is here defined as
doc#121 variety of nonparticulate materials which give color even when present in very low concentration
doc#121 rapid agglomeration or polymerization to give the micelles, which have a degree of polymerization
doc#121 the dirt (especially clay soils) so as to give it a greatly increased negative charge.
doc#121 each of the numerous isomers making up a given commercial organic active. </p><p> The thermal