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doc#147 the sheer cliffs seemed about to close in. If the other pilots were worried, they did
doc#147 Zero or a U. S. Navy type aircraft. </p><p> If it were the enemy, tactically his position
doc#147 the middle. Belton, the one on the right. If ... if they're Japs. Let's make sure first
doc#147 "Todman, drop your second element back. If any of us miss, they can pick up the pieces
doc#147 overcast or force a tight-turn recovery. If the turn was too tight, a barrel roll would
doc#147 clouds. His speed was dropping rapidly. If he spun out now, he would join his opponent
doc#148 you are having an affair with his wife. If it were not for an old professor who made
doc#148 What are you trying to do? Get thrown out? If I even hint at it do you think it will
doc#148 ball. There will be romance and flirtation. If you tell him I made a pass at you he might
doc#148 I must say the figure was well made up. If it were not that I knew who it was I could