This action may take several minutes for large corpora, please wait.
doc#134 It was nice then, so peaceful and quiet. There was no one but me. I don't want to leave
doc#134 the other men -- "We can catch him easy! There are plenty of fresh horses halfway at my
doc#134 men to ride with them and they'll be back. There 's only one way they can get out now and
doc#135 brass, pretending I'm one of the guerrillas. There 's bound to be someone on guard, but the
doc#135 but the fat's in the fire"! Mike said. " There 's no chance now of all of us getting away
doc#135 problem. "Gawdamighty"! one screeched. " There goes our grub an' ammunition"! </p><p> "Get
doc#136 a trumpet he shouted, "Fort up! Fort up! There 's a large war party on their way"! </p><p>
doc#136 skin". </p><p> "But that was war", I said. " There 's no war on now". </p><p> "You're wrong,
doc#136 long black hair streamed out behind him. There was a ragged volley. He was dead before
doc#137 a long time to compose himself. </p><p> " There 's some mistake", he said finally. "You're
doc#137 <p> "Go to sleep", he said. "Both of you. There 's better things to do than listen to something
doc#137 gone from Amelia's death. Not all of it. There would still be plenty of moments of regret
doc#137 burial -- and it would serve its purpose. There was only one place where Jake Carwood's
doc#137 inviting than Judith Pierce had made it seem. There was brush, and stands of pine that no grass
doc#137 wouldn't stop to graze. But there was water. There was an artificial lake just out of sight
doc#137 much, and that was probably the trouble. There were tracks of cattle all over his six
doc#139 guard-room door, into the paved square. There were three other men within this prison
doc#139 liberate, but they were in other cell blocks. There was no chance. They moved slowly, toward
doc#139 toward the main gate, following the wall. There was no moon. They had chosen this night
doc#139 ride out"? </p><p> "You aren't one of us. There 's nothing for you here". </p><p> "I got no