This action may take several minutes for large corpora, please wait.
doc#126 waxen cups which she fills with honey. Then, a group of eggs is deposited in a cavity
doc#115 concerned with Sweden. With the first of a group of historical novels, The Charles
doc#141 self-satisfaction, however, Joyce sensed a growing tension. It poured out of him like
doc#7 and Williams got himself a permit to carry a gun and promised an orderly election. </p>
doc#121 job when present in sufficient amount in a hard-surface cleaning formulation. Hydroxides
doc#132 are evident in the prompt establishment of a helping relationship, quick appraisal of
doc#100 years in a Connecticut commuting town with a high percentage of artists, writers, publicity
doc#126 After having mated, an Andrena female digs a hole straight down into the ground, forming
doc#116 establish a meaningful identity, representing a human personality, and thus establish sincere
doc#112 with a well-informed teacher of literature, a Jesuit father, at a conference on religious
doc#131 This explains some group ends and provides a justification of their primacy. It gives
doc#65 the National Football League, will undergo a knee operation tomorrow at Franklin Hospital
doc#136 eyes, I saw Gray Eyes rushing at me with a knife. </p><p> It was a relief when they
doc#103 roll softly. </p><p> The malignancy of such a landscape has been beautifully described
doc#100 visiting Northerners. Also, among the latter a large percentage soon acquire the prevalent
doc#106 husband, wife, and two children. No one wanted a larger family or no children, and none
doc#79 played basketball there while working toward a law degree. </p><p> Later, Shea owned and
doc#31 public safety commissioner. </p><p> Sheeran, a lawyer and former FBI man is running against
doc#107 Hamilton was bent over his desk, drafting a legal paper by the light of a candle. The
doc#126 young generation while the queen retires to a life of egg laying. The first worker bees