This action may take several minutes for large corpora, please wait.
doc#72 corner, Cliff Cook and Dan Pavletich singled and Gaines' infielder roller accounted for
doc#114 struck out in complaisance to South Carolina and Georgia, who had never attempted to restrain
doc#102 the President cannot pick up his telephone and give a "go" order. Even he does not know
doc#113 will consult only his own organic needs and go beyond good and evil. He will not curb
doc#125 were obtained from normal group A, group B and group O donors. Three of the anti-Rh sera
doc#137 plenty of moments of regret and sadness and guilty relief. But they were starting a
doc#104 bickering over a deal; a Bakhtiari khan in a cap and hacking jacket; dervishes who stand with
doc#125 individuals. One contained complete antibody and had a titer of 1:512 in saline. The second
doc#111 extreme uneasiness associated with visions and hallucinations and with death has disappeared
doc#134 leave the valley clear. The clouds parted and hard gashes of sunlight swooped down to
doc#131 cultivation of emotional feelings of identity and harmony with sacred values, turns one to
doc#114 this poorer economic class that one finds, and has always found, the most racial friction
doc#108 of oversimplification. But the South is, and has been for the past century, engaged
doc#135 was partially uniformed in a cavalry tunic and hat. Mike stripped these from him and donned
doc#141 important, as well as pleasin' to the ear, and he didn't want to miss a word of it. So
doc#137 Then she turned back to Wilson and smiled, and he wasn't quite sure what she meant by
doc#137 he grabbed her wrist. "Oh, no", he said, and he was without humor now. "I've had enough
doc#142 told the others, they would withdraw -- and he would come after his son another time
doc#139 proud of his job, proud that Donald Kruger and his associates trusted him. He lived and
doc#74 Gardner's second run batted in of the game and his only ones of the year. </p><p> Turk Lown