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doc#19 plan would provide federal contributions to each medical and dental school equal to $1,500
doc#114 majority", which, he said, "by giving to each portion of the community which may be unequally
doc#130 launched, but they are not yet related to each other in a meaningful pattern. The society
doc#121 is difficult to assign a "pure" role to each constituent of a built-detergent formulation
doc#102 arms and pointed forefingers darting toward each other in arclike semicircular motions.
doc#108 four-lane super highway, over which travel each day suburbanite businessmen more concerned
doc#147 him. The dark brown bombs hanging under each wing looked large and powerful. The pilots
doc#143 had it he slipped two small rocks under each victim's head as a sort of trademark. (
doc#139 handled the shipments of raw gold which each week went out to San Francisco. </p><p> Hague
doc#130 institutions, and social structure which each society must generate. It follows that
doc#107 congenial minds, and their agreements with each other were more consequential than their
doc#115 aspired to be a god in human form, but with each it was a different kind of god. Each failed
doc#63 and Rosy Fingered, seems to improve with each start and appeared to win the St. Patrick
doc#41 conference. The pace of the talks has slowed with each passing week. </p><p> Princess Moune, Prince
doc#129 the first case the fixed elements within each pencil are the multiple secant and the