This action may take several minutes for large corpora, please wait.
doc#133 table"? </p><p> "Of course". </p><p> She got to her feet, staggered, and almost fell. He caught
doc#133 feet, staggered, and almost fell. He caught her by an arm and helped her into the kitchen
doc#133 fell. He caught her by an arm and helped her into the kitchen. She sat down at the table
doc#133 kitchen. She sat down at the table, shaking her head. "I'm sorry, Mr. Morgan. I'm usually
doc#133 of himself. When he saw the expression in her eyes, he knew he couldn't send them on.
doc#133 I just can't take any chances on getting her pregnant, and if we were sleeping together
doc#134 someone there I have to see. We may take her with us -- to California. I don't know
doc#134 Clayton Roy. He wouldn't even dance with her at Gavin's party. He treats her like she
doc#134 dance with her at Gavin's party. He treats her like she was dirt. And you stand by like
doc#135 blustered. </p><p> He turned to Susan and kissed her on the cheek. "Thank you, my dear", he
doc#135 clung to him, talking to him, and dabbing at her eyes. </p><p> Mike turned away. He was thinking
doc#135 took Julia Fortune in his arms. He kissed her also, and with deep tenderness. She too
doc#135 tenderness. She too began to weep. He released her and joined Mike. "All right", he said. </p>
doc#135 He wanted no more sentimental scenes with her . He might say or do something foolish.
doc#135 all of them would regret. He might tell her how sorry a spectacle she was making of
doc#135 Fortune had taken Dean's affections from her . And using him, Mike McLish, as a sop to
doc#135 And using him, Mike McLish, as a sop to her pride. </p><p> He handed the bayonet to Dean
doc#135 and fell in a heap. </p><p> Susan bounced to her feet and slammed the door. She crouched
doc#135 crossbars. </p><p> Mike rolled to Susan, grasped her around the knees, dragging her off her
doc#135 , grasped her around the knees, dragging her off her feet. He hovered over her to shield