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doc#124 number of critical meterological parameters must be met for an aerosol to exhibit optimum
doc#124 consequences from this could be very serious and must be taken into consideration in planning
doc#124 a specific agent can be neutralized. It must be remembered, however, that there are
doc#124 industry that is subject to sabotage. One must include the preparation of soft drinks
doc#126 very well mistake them for lumps of dirt. I must add at once that these animals are what
doc#126 and let us just call them Bombus; there must be several dozen species in the United
doc#126 the opening of the willow catkins. This must be due to a completely identical response
doc#126 hundreds and hundreds of burrows together, we must still call it a solitary bee. Its life
doc#126 adults appearing late in the summer. </p><p> I must plead guilty to a special sympathy for
doc#129 of the image curves <formul> and <formul> must coincide at P<prime>, the image of P, and
doc#129 and at this point <formul> and <formul> must have a common tangent l<prime>. Hence,
doc#129 have just described. </p><p> To do this we must first show that every line which meets
doc#129 follows that the involution within the bundle must be a perspective de Jonquieres involution
doc#129 of order <formul> and the invariant locus must have a multiple line of multiplicity either
doc#129 can be made at each point of g. Hence g must have either a regulus of <formul>-fold
doc#129 secants of g can intersect, then the regulus must be quadratic, or in other words, g must
doc#129 must be quadratic, or in other words, g must be either a <formul> or a <formul> curve
doc#129 so, under the assumption of this paper we must reject the possibility that g is a <formul>
doc#130 in some of the new nations, indeed, they must be built for the first time -- on a new
doc#130 central government and the local communities must be such that the needs and aspirations