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doc#26 president of the American Screw Co. in 1955 said , "Both parties in the last election told
doc#26 neither told us how to achieve it". </p><p> He said he favors wage increases for workers --
doc#26 his back on his 1910 philosophy, Mr. Reama said : "A Socialist is a person who believes
doc#27 called for the vote, while Mr. Bourcier said that a special election might be called
doc#27 might be called instead. </p><p> Mr. Bourcier said that he had consulted several Superior
doc#27 as soon as possible. </p><p> Mr. Martinelli said yesterday that the Citizens Group of Johnston
doc#27 further strategy in the charter movement. He said that the group has no candidates for the
doc#27 Citizens Group will spearhead the movement". He said he would not be surprised if some of the
doc#28 </p><p> Council president Frank SanAntonio said yesterday he may ask the council to formally
doc#29 Federation of Women's Clubs. </p><p> Hughes said Monday, "It is the apparent intention of
doc#29 without his leadership". </p><p> Mitchell said the statement should become a major issue
doc#29 he asked. The former secretary of labor said he was proud to be an Eisenhower Republican
doc#29 working in his adminstration. </p><p> Mitchell said the closeness of the outcome in last fall
doc#29 Republicanism was a dead issue. REGRETS ATTACK Jones said he regretted Hughes had made a personal
doc#29 inject Eisenhower into this campaign", he said , "because the primary is being waged on
doc#29 high rate of unemployment in the state and said the Meyner administration and the Republican
doc#29 year had lost the Mack Truck Co. plant, he said industry will not come into this state
doc#29 state income tax at this time", Mitchell said . </p><p> Jones, unhappy that the candidates
doc#29 questions, saved his barbs for Mitchell. He said Mitchell is against the centralization
doc#29 but you can't have it both ways", Jones said . The state is now faced with the immediate