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doc#123 Earth, the fluxes in interplanetary space should be less than the figures given here. </p>
doc#124 particularly at the more distant locations, should have been increased. </p><p> As can be seen
doc#124 on this property. In this connection it should be capable of being disseminated without
doc#124 without excessive destruction. Moreover, it should not be so fastidious in its growth requirements
doc#124 from appropriate disseminating devices. It should be no more difficult to deliver such devices
doc#124 airplanes, submarines or guided missiles -- should be usable. If it is possible for an enemy
doc#124 enemy to put an atomic bomb on a city, it should be equally possible to put a cloud of biological
doc#126 that is moist; yet the water in the ground should not be stagnant either. They dislike dense
doc#127 permitted to speculate, potential pathology should be included in this statement as well.
doc#127 the bronchial artery and pulmonary artery should be considered as functional or demand shunts
doc#127 pertinent. Also, for the present, great caution should be exercised in the choice of an experimental
doc#128 flight and also on sexual functions. It should be added that in man neocortical-hypothalamic
doc#128 further on these pathological conditions, we should remember that changes in the state of the
doc#128 Important as these differences are, they should not obscure the basic fact that by shifting
doc#128 of these significant investigations, it should be remembered that reciprocal relations
doc#130 assistance where possible. </p><p> Our central goal should be to provide the greatest positive incentive
doc#130 tasks which they face. At the same time, we should recognize that the obstacles to change
doc#130 up to the intractable tasks at home. We should do what we can to discourage this conclusion
doc#130 actions on the world scene. When necessary, we should make it clear that countries which choose
doc#130 discipline, and competence. </p><p> American policy should press constantly the view that until these