This action may take several minutes for large corpora, please wait.
doc#133 carried you in. I gave you a drink and then you went to sleep". </p><p> "Oh". She stared
doc#133 about what he had said; then she murmured: " You 're very kind, Mr. Morgan. Do you take in
doc#133 murmured: "You're very kind, Mr. Morgan. Do you take in all the strays who come by"? </p>
doc#133 coming to my front door", he said. "Think you can walk to the table"? </p><p> "Of course
doc#133 innocents". </p><p> Morgan laughed. "Which are you "? </p><p> "We're not drunkards", she said
doc#133 hung from a nail in the wall. He said: " You 'll feel a lot better after you have a bath
doc#133 He said: "You'll feel a lot better after you have a bath. Your feet are in bad shape
doc#133 Your feet are in bad shape, Mrs. Jones. You 'll have to go to town to see the doc". </p>
doc#133 any way to get there and we can't expect you to quit work just to take us to town".
doc#133 . "We'll see", Morgan said. </p><p> "Could you find me a needle and thread"? the girl
doc#133 my spare bedroom. The bed isn't made, but you 'll find plenty of blankets there". </p><p>
doc#133 find plenty of blankets there". </p><p> " You 're awfully kind", the girl said. "We'll
doc#133 awfully kind", the girl said. "We'll pay you back if you'll let us. Some way". </p><p>
doc#133 ", the girl said. "We'll pay you back if you 'll let us. Some way". </p><p> "It's all right
doc#133 's all right", he said. "I get up early. You 'd better sleep". </p><p> Jones followed him
doc#133 behind him. He said: "If it's all right with you , Mr. Morgan, I'll sleep out here on the
doc#133 I understand that, but I don't savvy why you 'd go off and leave your jobs in the first
doc#134 went to bed. </p><p> Gavin paused wearily. " You can't stay here with me. It's late and
doc#134 You can't stay here with me. It's late and you said they'd be here by dawn". </p><p> "You
doc#134 you said they'd be here by dawn". </p><p> " You can't make me go". </p><p> Gavin sank down