This action may take several minutes for large corpora, please wait.
doc#105 what is being written today". </p><p> With all his musical activities, did he have the
doc#105 said, again with a twinkle in his eyes, " all you know is your music. But after all,
doc#105 , "all you know is your music. But after all , you never learned anything else"! </p><p>
doc#107 critic, General Conway, as being capable of " all the meanness of intrigue to gratify the
doc#107 fortune of his country, but now is working all night in order to support his family",
doc#107 "As an independent American I considered all who were not for us, and you amongst the
doc#107 with substantial powers. Save Jefferson, all participated in the framing or ratification
doc#108 Southern fiction does Tobacco Road, with all the traditional trimmings of sowbelly and
doc#108 second largest growth of the period for all cities over 25,000. </p><p> The field, then
doc#108 ins, the picket lines, the bus strikes -- all of these were unheard-of even ten years
doc#108 Yankees: "Our northerner is suspicious of all this crass evidence [of urbanization] presented
doc#108 On this trip to the South he wants, above all else, to sniff the effluvium of backwoods
doc#108 to be safe from the accusing fingers of all assailants in this regard. Faulkner culminates
doc#109 felt impelled to make dances that "moved all over the stage", much as Pollock's paintings
doc#109 existence", states the theme from which all else must follow. The theme may be the
doc#109 method for achieving his aim. He rejects all subjectively motivated continuity, any
doc#109 irrelevant -- or there are no consequences at all . </p><p> The sequence is determined by chance
doc#110 greater agreement on sovereignty, through all their dispute about it, than were the Founding
doc#110 secede. </p><p> " We began by declaring that all men are created equal. We now practically
doc#110 created equal. We now practically read it, all men are created equal except negroes. When