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doc#92 past few years plus rising consumer income are among the factors that have encouraged
doc#93 Pantas predicted. SIXTY-SEVEN living units are being added to the 165-unit Harbor View
doc#93 story structures. Various of the apartments are of the terrace type, being on the ground
doc#93 so that entrance is direct. Others, which are reached by walking up a single flight of
doc#93 <p> The structures housing the apartments are of masonry and frame construction. Heating
doc#95 , Harry Houghton, 55, and divorced. They are accused of whisking secrets out of naval
doc#95 submarine effort and would have shown what we are doing in research and development for the
doc#96 Richard Austin -- and eight other defendants are charged in six indictments with conspiracy
doc#96 their clients' guilt. Cooperman and Teller are accused of selling $4,700 worth of heroin
doc#96 av. Among other acts, Teller and Austin are accused of paying $800 to Sears. </p><p>
doc#100 Wilmette in Prairie. </p><p> NORTHERN liberals are the chief supporters of civil rights and
doc#100 ranged against them the Southerners who are called Bourbons. The name presumably derives
doc#100 executives of egghead tastes. Most of them are Democrats and nearly all consider themselves
doc#100 and nearly all consider themselves, and are viewed as, liberals. This is puzzling to
doc#100 because it is clear that these Democrats who are left-of-center are at opposite poles from
doc#100 that these Democrats who are left-of-center are at opposite poles from the liberal Jefferson
doc#100 I have extreme views on integration, nor are we given to emotional outbursts -- the
doc#100 attitude on most social problems. </p><p> There are of course many Souths; but for this discussion
doc#100 Nobody knows how many Southerners there are in this category. I suspect that there
doc#100 are in this category. I suspect that there are far more unreconstructed ones than the