This action may take several minutes for large corpora, please wait.
doc#112 <p> "Well, really there is none at all. I have no religious feeling. Once I had a religious
doc#137 difference. He sold me a clear title. I have it with me, right here. If you want to
doc#132 his lap along with the twins, saying, "I have a big lap; there is room for you, too,
doc#107 candle. The Frenchman was astonished. "I have just come from viewing a man who had made
doc#144 faced Summers across the counter. </p><p> "I have a little job for you, Charlie. I'm sure
doc#100 is especially dear to Southerners; and I have heard many say that they are content to
doc#111 do has some effect on his actions and I have learned, in a way, to commune with drunks
doc#144 fasten it with a sliding bolt. "You and I have a little talking to do, Jess. You won't
doc#35 </p><p> "It didn't come from me. But as I have said before, if I announce my candidacy
doc#110 would only touch upon it now (much as I have long wanted to write a book about it).
doc#75 heading home: "I'm just speculating, but I have to think Jack feels he's hurting Boston
doc#114 propose to go into their history, but I have one or two surmises. One is that they were
doc#111 was formerly very much the kind of fear I have tried to describe. </p><p> Nothing like Godot
doc#103 The aborigine lives on the cruelest land I have ever seen. Which does not mean that it
doc#100 in our case -- and neither my wife nor I have extreme views on integration, nor are we
doc#111 confronted with a drunk or an insane person I have no notion of what any one of them might
doc#134 ranch in the valley. There's someone there I have to see. We may take her with us -- to California
doc#148 out and I don't think I will. I think I have a way so we can carry on without his suspecting
doc#132 people. Similarities to the approach which I have described are evident in the prompt establishment
doc#128 by the Mecholyl test. Some investigators have found a parallelism between remissions