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doc#103 boulder there. But if you don't know the place like the palm of your hand, you'd better use
doc#11 Dallas and Fort Worth to cover up places like Paradise, a Wise County hamlet of 250 people
doc#127 the horse lung appears to be remarkably like that of man, insofar as this can be ascertained
doc#112 in his work. American newspaper reviewers like to call his plays nihilistic. They find
doc#103 for making fire, two stones shaped roughly like knives, a woven-root container which held
doc#145 nearsightedly scrutinized Dan's face. "How's Sally like rubbin' agin that thar little ticklebrush
doc#136 went in. Coming over the wall he had seemed like a hideous devil. Now under me I could see
doc#100 may have to yield before it. This seems like an attitude favoring a sort of totalitarian
doc#78 citation and a pair of silver cufflinks shaped like a football. With the announcement of a
doc#143 there's two men in this state can shoot like that"? </p><p> Publicly, he denied everything
doc#104 discriminating awareness. </p><p> I should like , by the way, to make it clear that I am
doc#131 dominantly in every part of it. In societies like ours, however, its place is less clear
doc#144 an unarmed man might come easy to someone like Jess, but Curt couldn't bring himself to
doc#142 n't answer, for I can't imagine something like this happening to me. Maybe I should withdraw
doc#142 know, Tom. Like Luis, I can't see something like this happening to me. With Maria and me
doc#137 better things to do than listen to something like that. I'll be down at the creek finishing
doc#136 upward stroke of his rifle butt. It sounded like a man kicking a melon. Above me a dark
doc#136 endless. Coyotes and hunting wolves sounded like signaling Indian scouts, the whinny of
doc#100 Northern meddling it would have ended in states like Virginia years before it did. Southern
doc#100 country. And no doubt many people in states like the Carolinas and Georgia, which were among