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doc#145 own appeal. Even strange names seemed to make them feel closer to some kind of civilization
doc#146 heard cries from behind him, but he could make out no words. </p><p> He dashed madly for
doc#147 for carabao not airplanes". </p><p> "We'll make out. Don't you worry, chief", Greg replied
doc#147 difficult. There was not enough room to make the usual vertical bomb run. The accuracy
doc#147 plunged back into the valley. He was about to make a gas check on his flight when Todman's
doc#147 the right. If ... if they're Japs. Let's make sure first". Greg had the stick forward
doc#147 , they can pick up the pieces. Now let's make sure they're Japs". </p><p> Even as he said
doc#147 against one wall. It gave them all a chance to make a high-speed climbing turn attack and a
doc#147 aircraft in this small box. Please, dear God, make my pilots good, he prayed. </p><p> He took
doc#148 purpose of a higher education is to help you make a living; this is not so, for education