This action may take several minutes for large corpora, please wait.
doc#117 emission of different regions of the disk can not be resolved. It should be possible, however
doc#83 spokesman said the number to be furloughed can not be estimated since the lay-offs must be
doc#131 As he points out, a religious group can not exist without a collective credo, and the
doc#109 applying a scheme of random numbers. But he can not order his elements by will, either rational
doc#29 sagging candidate who has proven he can not answer any questions about New Jersey's
doc#131 being helpfully allied with what he can not fully understand; he is a coordinate part
doc#116 form of organization (so cumbersome it can not constructively do much of anything not
doc#8 the state treasurer. The escheat law can not be enforced now because it is almost impossible
doc#121 an essentially static system, an oil can not be replaced by water on a surface unless
doc#112 is not more true than the other. One can not speak anymore of being, one must speak
doc#123 MEASUREMENTS OF MICROMETEORITE FLUX One can not make a very satisfactory guess about the
doc#102 somebody decides to break it? The President can not personally remove the safety devices from
doc#102 thermonuclear war. </p><p> Even the President can not pick up his telephone and give a "go" order
doc#83 payroll expense. </p><p> Since the railroad can not reduce the salary of individual union members
doc#115 the pleasure gardens of Sardanapalus can not cease from his painful search after the
doc#19 nation's 92 medical and 47 dental schools can not now handle the student load needed to meet
doc#116 earlier times, now the corporation per se can not take economic leadership. Businesses must
doc#109 particular performance. And any sequence can not only change its positions in the work but
doc#130 recognized that the problem of rural tenancy can not be solved by administrative decrees alone
doc#112 The confusion is not my invention. We can not listen to a conversation for five minutes