This action may take several minutes for large corpora, please wait.
doc#144 the house and located a barn out back. He could hear horses moving around inside, and nothing
doc#144 partition. Horse smell was very strong, and he could hear the crunch of grain being ground between
doc#136 grudgingly turned away. In the distance we could hear the drums and the wail of the death
doc#137 the half-breed as he turned silently. They could hear the pony's feet on the dry leaves
doc#102 with the gold circuit from their homes. All could help the President make his decision. The
doc#24 </p><p> He expressed the opinion the city could hire a CD director for about $3,500 a year
doc#144 horse had not been returned to its stall could indicate that Diane's information had been
doc#114 conveniently, too, for his audience, who could indulge in moral indignation without visible
doc#102 ingeniously and hopefully, so that no one man could initiate a thermonuclear war. </p><p> Even
doc#116 we were creating a wholly new society, we could insist that our social, political, economic
doc#133 girl would go this far to fool a man so she could kill him. Besides, she had a sweet face
doc#112 . He knelt down at his bed as long as he could kneel. My father had none. The family was
doc#134 began to nod. "That's a new land. A man could make a mark there. Two men, together like
doc#141 confidence in an almost teensy package. If I could make myself feel the same way ... </p><p>
doc#135 were held inside the stockade, as best Mike could make out in the moonlight. Evidently this
doc#146 . He heard cries from behind him, but he could make out no words. </p><p> He dashed madly
doc#95 three to four, demanded to know if they could make the information involved seem of little
doc#11 to $15,000,000 the maximum loan the state could make to a local water project. </p><p> Cotten
doc#143 the form of a single unknown figure that could materialize anywhere, at any time, to dispense
doc#141 'm told, and" -- </p><p> "Uh-huh. An' that could mean trouble with a fella that's workin'