This action may take several minutes for large corpora, please wait.
doc#102 controlling the actions of the button pushers and their "hardware", the answers to my questions
doc#102 . </p><p> These men are not callous. It is their job to think about the unthinkable. Unanimously
doc#102 codes, that the messages actually come from their purported sources. Additional codes can
doc#102 be connected with the gold circuit from their homes. All could help the President make
doc#102 before a wing of B-52 bombers could drop their H-bombs. </p><p> In a word, plenty. The key
doc#102 senior controller. He or his deputy or one of their seven assistants, all full colonels, mans
doc#102 Gen. Thomas Powern, or his deputies and their staff would occupy a balcony that stretches
doc#102 imagine a wing of B-52's, on alert near their "positive control (or fail-safe) points
doc#102 fly without specific orders to proceed to their targets. They, too, have fragments of the
doc#102 we send out the whole pie, they can put their pieces into it. Unless we send out the
doc#102 into it. Unless we send out the whole pie, their pieces mean nothing". Why does Wisman's
doc#103 damage can be done. </p><p> Suddenly, however, their posture changed and the game ended. They
doc#103 , they would suddenly alter the angle of their trot. Sometimes I guessed it was because
doc#103 minutes they ran beneath the squall, raising their arms and, for the first time, shouting
doc#103 to be viewed as exhibits in a zoo, but on their reservations they are extremely fugitive
doc#103 coming together only for corroborees at which their strange culture comes to its highest pitch
doc#103 expert in his knowledge of the aborigines and their language. Finally, however, the arrangements
doc#103 Some chaps that know an area well can make their way by landmarks ... a tree here, a wash
doc#103 me for a few moments and then returned to their work. They squatted on their heels with
doc#103 returned to their work. They squatted on their heels with their heads bent far forward