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doc#114 almost too easy to take the high moral ground when it doesn't cost you anything. You've already
doc#114 Lincoln understood this better than most when he said in his "Second Inaugural" that
doc#115 restless individualism found its answer when he returned to live nearly all the rest
doc#115 Fredrikshall, being only thirty-six years of age when he died. He had become king at fifteen.
doc#116 rapidly accelerating growth, determinable only when related to the more normal rate of healthy
doc#116 its mark across the Russian steppes, as when the enterprising promoters of 'Porgy and
doc#117 of a planet was first detected in 1955, when Burke and Franklin (1955) identified the
doc#117 about the lunar brightness distribution when reducing the data, and this, together with
doc#119 fluids showed a high-positive normal pressure when undergoing shear, and two showed small
doc#120 that the <formul> bond becomes symmetric when the <formul> bond length is about 2.4 to
doc#121 renewed life to soap products at a time when surfactants were a threat though expensive
doc#121 polyphosphates spelled the decline of soap usage when the synergism between polyphosphates and
doc#121 important than the organic active. Indeed, when the proper inorganic constituents are employed
doc#121 active agent will do a reasonably good job when present in sufficient amount in a hard-
doc#121 nonparticulate materials which give color even when present in very low concentration on the
doc#122 of the tendency of the latter to shatter when thawing frozen carbon tetrachloride. The
doc#124 humidity requirements for various agents when airborne. Neutral or inversion meteorological
doc#124 certain times during the 24-hour daily cycle when most of these conditions will be met. </p>
doc#124 unique medical problems might be created when man is exposed to an infectious agent through
doc#124 toxic or infectious to experimental animals when exposed to aerosols of optimum particle