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doc#146 gun butt. The bartender measured this
doc#146 his shoulder. </p><p> The door was locked
doc#146 for Antler. </p><p> The truth was,
doc#146 one side. The would-be assassin had
doc#146 winding draw. The long minute before
doc#147 to say. The sky glowered down
doc#147 on forever. </p><p> The truck dropped them
doc#147 the wing. The expression was his
doc#147 behind him. The dark brown bombs
doc#147 and powerful. The pilots' heads
doc#147 ridiculously small. The control tower gave
doc#147 of showers. The metal strip they
doc#147 warm cockpit. </p><p> The overcast was solid
doc#147 the mountain. </p><p> The valley was only
doc#147 of claustrophobia. The ceiling stayed solid
doc#147 show it. The formation remained perfect
doc#147 Japanese supplies. The low clouds made
doc#147 bomb run. The accuracy was deplorable
doc#147 or enemy? The same old question
doc#147 Rogers". </p><p> The planes, light