This action may take several minutes for large corpora, please wait.
doc#136 "No. Now dammit, I don't want to go into any more explanations. Here comes Jason. Keep
doc#137 be, though I don't see where it's doing any harm. But you're wrong about the rest of
doc#137 man would be proud of. And it doesn't make any difference. He sold me a clear title. I
doc#137 , mister", he said. "I am. If you've got any ideas". He raised the Winchester and pointed
doc#137 see her face more clearly than he had at any time before. He had forgotten that she
doc#137 he couldn't hear the sound of her horse any longer, then went up to where the children
doc#137 sounds to interrupt it. Not tonight, at any rate. He had a feeling that the girl meant
doc#137 behind them and stayed there, watching for any snakes or rabbits that they might stir
doc#138 hall. I could consult this personage on any weekday morning, though not before ten
doc#138 launch into a vaudeville tapdance routine any moment. But he came toward me sedately
doc#140 was aware of all he said. If she sensed any unusual preoccupation on the part of her
doc#140 days, and she wanted to avoid falling into any more of the traps that the mountain might
doc#140 dwarf the short span of time allotted to any man. </p><p> Pamela shook her head. She must
doc#140 escape. She had to move in some direction -- any direction that would take her away from
doc#141 he'd once told Joyce, had he encountered any man or situation that called for a gun.
doc#141 wildcatter had to be prepared for almost any emergency. He had to depend on himself,
doc#141 . Figger we got to be plumb careful with any of you Highlands big shots". </p><p> McBride
doc#142 to me. With Maria and me, there's never any problem. Where I go, she goes -- and the
doc#143 jury of his sympathetic peers to free him any longer. Jury, judge and executioner were
doc#143 figure that could materialize anywhere, at any time, to dispense an ancient brand of justice