This action may take several minutes for large corpora, please wait.
doc#142 in a year, Tomas ...". "In a year she'll like living in Clayton's house too much to come
doc#142 n't answer, for I can't imagine something like this happening to me. Maybe I should withdraw
doc#142 know, Tom. Like Luis, I can't see something like this happening to me. With Maria and me
doc#142 brought to it all the odors that clung to men like themselves, that of their own sweat, of
doc#143 there's two men in this state can shoot like that"? </p><p> Publicly, he denied everything
doc#143 "Everyone knew it, but he sort of acted like he didn't care who knew it -- even after
doc#144 n't seem quite right, telling her a thing like that. Couldn't I just" -- His voice trailed
doc#144 a match in here, this place would go up like a haystack". He started toward the stairway
doc#144 Curt didn't interpret it this way. A man like Jess would want to have a ready means of
doc#144 trigger of his gun. "So help me, Crouch, I'd like to kill you where you stand, but, before
doc#144 an unarmed man might come easy to someone like Jess, but Curt couldn't bring himself to
doc#144 solid left to Jess's mid-section. It was like hitting a sack of salt. Pain shout up Curt
doc#145 Base and Farmer-in-the-Dell, but I'd sure like to get in on the handhold and wrestles"
doc#145 nearsightedly scrutinized Dan's face. "How's Sally like rubbin' agin that thar little ticklebrush
doc#146 its ornate facade the notorious dive clung like a bird's nest to the rocky ribs of the
doc#147 feeling that this mission would be canceled like all the others and that this muddy wet
doc#147 a moment when damage could be done. Just like shooting at a duck while performing a half
doc#148 not have been even thirty. She looked more like twenty-five or six. It was really a May
doc#148 contour of her face, her smile that was like New Orleans sunshine, the way she held
doc#148 legs were the full, sexy kind, full bodied like a rare wine and just as tantalizing to