This action may take several minutes for large corpora, please wait.
doc#144 anyone should be watching. He paused only long enough to ascertain that Jess's buckskin
doc#144 About now he's probably having supper. That long ride the four of you took must've given
doc#145 Jackson was doing most of the talking. So long as Sally's pa was coming out best on the
doc#145 from the milling group out in the circle long enough to reply, "I ain't much of a hand
doc#145 down at his big hands and slowly flexed his long fingers. "Don't reckon there's nobody out
doc#145 Harmony had a chance to reply, Rod cracked his long whip over his thin oxen's backs .... While
doc#146 built practically on stilts in front, with long flights of wooden steps running up to the
doc#146 porch. The front windows of the place were long and narrow, reaching nearly to the floor
doc#146 toward the side of the winding draw. The long minute before he reached effective cover
doc#147 bivouac area to the strip. It was a rough long ride through the mud and pot holes. No
doc#147 plane take off on a combat mission. Yet long before the scheduled time for return, Donovan
doc#148 four years older than I and it had been a long time since I had seen as gorgeous a woman
doc#148 lock the door". </p><p> It did not take me long to slip the bolt securely and return to