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doc#111 primeval fears of man . We get
doc#116 which kind of man we wish to
doc#111 the mercy of man . In fact
doc#113 the nature of man , as Ortega
doc#110 the sovereignty of man . The very
doc#127 like that of man , insofar as
doc#137 , the old man back in St.
doc#134 . The old man beckoned with one
doc#116 of each on man 's major needs
doc#102 that no one man could initiate a
doc#141 fighting not one man but a dozen
doc#141 not the only man in town with
doc#139 're the only man the Night Riders
doc#107 was the only man in history to
doc#134 Against that other man he could rally
doc#131 , and perpetuating man 's deepest experience
doc#110 doubt, proved man enough to say
doc#140 laughter. Red man or white man
doc#138 , slightly ridiculous man could possibly have
doc#135 a mighty sad man if we never