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doc#130 modernize of democratize their societies. We should spread the view that planning and national
doc#130 effort as well as enthusiasm. Above all, we should seek to encourage the leaders of these
doc#130 technical assistance to these countries should place special emphasis on inducing the
doc#130 dealing with the central governments. We should encourage the governments to develop their
doc#130 economy is neglected. Simultaneously we should be underlining the interrelationships of
doc#130 pressing issue in many of these countries. It should be American policy not only to encourage
doc#130 however, it may gain wide acceptance. It should also be recognized that the problem of
doc#130 policy during the later stages of development should be to assure that movement into a stage
doc#130 <p> American policy toward such societies should stress our sympathy for the emerging social
doc#130 emerging social and professional classes. It should attempt to communicate both an appreciation
doc#131 aid in social control, enforcing what men should or should not do. Among primitive peoples
doc#131 social control, enforcing what men should or should not do. Among primitive peoples the sanctions
doc#132 ourselves to our final question: What place should brief, crisis-oriented preventive casework
doc#132 occupy in our total spectrum of services? We should first recognize our tendency to develop
doc#132 critical situations". Ideally, brief treatment should be arrived at as a treatment of choice
doc#132 programs are imperative social needs which should command the best efforts of caseworkers
doc#137 it. I'm not leaving in the morning. Why should I? I own the place". </p><p> She showed her
doc#137 black and deep-set, and expressionless. "You should n't be riding up here after dark, Judith
doc#138 The clerk impressed this upon me: that I should not arrive in the hall before ten o'clock
doc#140 to consider what she would do if her plan should fail; she directed all of her mental and