This action may take several minutes for large corpora, please wait.
doc#123 1955) has calculated the times required for these particles to reach the atmosphere under
doc#123 essentially microphones) and from wire gages; these instruments are installed on rockets, satellites
doc#123 larger ones. Being based on so few events, these results are of dubious validity. </p><p>
doc#123 per cent shielding by the Earth; hence, these figures apply immediately above the Earth
doc#123 unshielded flux is given in the last column; these figures constitute the best estimate for
doc#124 microns in diameter are capable of passing these impinging barriers and entering the alveolar
doc#124 during the 24-hour daily cycle when most of these conditions will be met. </p><p> Certain other
doc#124 detected distance of some 450 miles. From these dosage isopleths it can be seen that an
doc#124 satisfactory cloud was produced even though these nozzles were only about 5 per cent efficient
doc#124 miles from the source. As can be seen from these dosage isopleths, approximately 100 square
doc#124 of importance in identification. All of these considerations are of critical importance
doc#125 D. A., and J. F., Fig. 1). </p><p> Not all these regions exhibited equal agglutinating activity
doc#125 minute amount of complete antibody found in these sera; when the insoluble fraction was suspended
doc#126 for lumps of dirt. I must add at once that these animals are what we call "queens", young
doc#126 have become parasites. I will deal with these later on. </p><p> Quite often, honeybees
doc#126 </p><p> It is almost certain that some of these , usually a trifle smaller than the honeybees
doc#126 Sometimes, although by no means always, these are indeed alkaline. The thing is that
doc#126 these are indeed alkaline. The thing is that these bees love a fine-grained soil that is moist
doc#127 isolated pleural vessels at once. Some of these were obviously filling from interlobular
doc#127 anastomoses were noted to be present between these separately derived branches. An unusual