This action may take several minutes for large corpora, please wait.
doc#134 into the cold of the ebbing night. He fled through the door and down the steps, running, and
doc#134 He was too old -- when he passed up and through the corridor of pines that lined the trail
doc#135 wings. One wing stood open. Mike passed through it and moved toward the dark mass of horses
doc#135 and freed the horses there. These poured through the gate and joined the flight. The animals
doc#135 were running across the parade ground and through the rear gate in the wake of the departing
doc#135 with them. The three of them floundered through the door into the interior and fell in
doc#135 chewing into the planks. Some tore entirely through the whipsawed post oak. The iron hinges
doc#135 buildings. </p><p> The glow of the fire reached through the openings in the windows, giving light
doc#135 examine Mike's wound. The bullet had torn through the flesh just above the knee, inflicting
doc#135 it had missed the bone and had passed on through . Susan and Julia ripped strips from their
doc#136 get to do his dirty work! Before we get through he'll have the Blackfeet hankerin' for
doc#136 when they finally came. </p><p> They poured through the opening in the valley, then spread
doc#137 there, so much of it that it spread all through the dead orchard. And there was a house
doc#138 which I could dimly see as daylight filtered through their vents, down at the far end of the
doc#138 than aided by the dim daylight entering through the fan vents when I tried to pick out
doc#139 Come on. Let's move". </p><p> They filed out through the guard-room door, into the paved square
doc#139 men on the walls above, and Powers slipped through the door. </p><p> Two men were on duty inside
doc#139 sergeant turned to the door. As he passed through it Barton shoved his gun against the man
doc#139 . It had gone without a hitch. They slid through the wicket in the big gate, ghosted across
doc#139 Foster in the lead, seven men riding quietly through the night. </p><p> The only thing which would