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doc#19 proposals were for federal scholarships, and grants to build or enlarge medical and
doc#19 , and grants to build or enlarge medical and dental schools. </p><p> The President said
doc#19 The President said the nation's 92 medical and 47 dental schools cannot now handle the
doc#19 young people are not going into medicine and dentistry because they can't afford the
doc#19 provide federal contributions to each medical and dental school equal to $1,500 a year for
doc#19 cost 5.1 million dollars the first year and would go up to 21 millions by 1966. </p>
doc#19 in 10 years for constructing new medical and dental schools or enlarging the capacity
doc#19 people, knowledge, services, facilities, and the means to pay for them". REACTION AS
doc#19 <p> Senate Republican Leader Dirksen [Ill.] and House Republican Leader Charles Halleck
doc#20 </p><p> Only 11 senators were on the floor and there was no record vote. A number of scattered
doc#20 record vote. A number of scattered "ayes" and "noes" was heard. </p><p> Customary Senate
doc#20 Negro leader as administrator of the housing and home finance agency. </p><p> In the last
doc#20 Eisenhower's cabinet selections in 1953 and President Kennedy's in 1961. OSLO The most
doc#21 Foreign Ministers has been the freer, franker, and wider discussions, animated by much better
doc#21 only proceed along its route step by step and without dramatic changes. In Oslo, the
doc#21 ministers have met in a climate of candor, and made a genuine attempt to get information
doc#21 made a genuine attempt to get information and understanding one another's problems. </p>
doc#21 concerned between the "colonialist" powers and those who have never, or not for a long
doc#21 exacerbated by the difficulties, changes, and tragedies facing them, and other allies
doc#21 difficulties, changes, and tragedies facing them, and other allies who intellectually and emotionally