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doc#19 rise to 7.5 per cent starting Jan. 1, 1963, if the plan is approved, because the levy
doc#117 specify the origin of the radiation, and only if the planet really radiates as a black body
doc#132 worker is to be genuinely accessible and if the predicted unhealthy outcome is to be
doc#27 will mean for the town". He expects that if the present timetable is followed a vote
doc#102 coolly, decide to clobber the Russians? What if the President himself, in the language
doc#18 the 23d ward case, Karns told Wexler that if the seven cases scheduled for trial also
doc#130 democratic developments must take place if the society is to become an open community
doc#105 suffused with afternoon sunshine, he asked if the soft background music could be turned
doc#100 much further than this. They believe that if the South had been let alone it would have
doc#147 ahead of them, the relief was as great as if the sun had come out. He spread the flight
doc#123 , permitting the calculation of the mass if the velocity is known (Cook and Whipple
doc#132 and appropriate telephone follow-up calls, if the worker is to be genuinely accessible
doc#116 strength of our society's organs to see if their functioning is as healthy as before
doc#132 members in their use of these resources if their problem-solving behavior is to be
doc#123 interplanetary space near the Earth. Of course, if there is a dust blanket around the Earth
doc#129 the general lines of the pencil. However, if there is no additional complex of singular
doc#128 conditioned reactions reappear. However, if these procedures are applied more often
doc#127 experimental animal for pulmonary studies if they are to be applied to man. This is
doc#134 saloon when he had asked him what he would do if they brought their cattle to water. It
doc#148 expectation of fun and pleasure. It was as if they could hardly wait to get into their