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doc#132 feelings of weakness and helplessness at the time of her mother's death when she was eight
doc#132 from maladaptive responses, the worker uses time -honored focused casework techniques of
doc#132 guidance. Over a relatively short period of time , usually about four to twelve weeks, the
doc#132 rather than defeating. While expensive in time and involving a great deal of adaptation
doc#132 force of the stress impact while at the same time to encourage and support family members
doc#132 rendered rather than of the quantity of time expended. </p><p> That we are experiencing
doc#132 treatment is concentrated over a short period of time , while in others, after the initial contact
doc#132 therapy" but rather to encourage us to use the time -honored clinical casework skills we already
doc#133 his meadows. </p><p> He had no idea how much time Budd would give him. In any case, he had
doc#133 crew. Morgan watched the two figures for a time , puzzled. When they were closer and he
doc#133 moment, thinking he could use a man this time of year, and if the girl could cook, it
doc#133 girl could cook, it would give him more time in the meadows, but he knew nothing about
doc#134 fearfully. "The horses. There isn't much time . I'll saddle the horses and bring them
doc#134 n't want you now. You take it easy, your time will come". </p><p> Gavin stood on the porch
doc#134 back many years. First he thought of the time he had ridden to Gavin and told him how
doc#134 feeling, his impotence. Then he thought of a time when Clayton's horse had fallen lame in
doc#134 your boy. He meant to help Gavin all the time . He made a fool of you, Lester". He swung
doc#134 fleeing his death and his life at the same time . The land over which he sped was the land
doc#135 swung the pistol in a savage backlash. This time it connected solidly on the man's temple
doc#136 treated us like friends. And here all the time you knew the Sioux would be using our rifles